Akira Kato Assoc. Prof. Ph.D.
Name | Akira Kato |
Position | Assoc. Prof. |
Degree | Ph.D. |
Office | D-4F 405 |
akiran@ faculty.chiba-u.jp |
Dr. Akira Kato received Ph.D. at University of Washington, Seattle, USA. His specialty is forest remote sensing, especially LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging). There are three main research topics, the reconstruction of tree crown structure from high resolution LiDAR data using computer graphic technique, quantification of the woody biomass using terrestrial laser, and 3D time-series analysis for forest disaster monitoring. A portable terrestrial laser scanner was developed and used to take 3D data of any type of forest (from tropical to boreal forest) in the world to automate field survey. He received teaching awards: best teaching award from College of Forest Resources, University of Washington and best teaching surveying and GIS award from ASPRS (American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing).
Reassessing the role of "Forest Resources" in achieving carbon neutrality: Measuring forests with the combination of drones, mathematics, and computer graphics(2023.09.12)
Please visit the researchmap website to see his achievements.