- C. Mann, M. Hernández-Morcillo, H. Ikei, Y. Miyazaki The socioeconomic dimension of forest therapy: A contribution to human well-being and sustainable forest management Trees, Forests and People 2024, 18, 100731.
- H. Ikei, H. Jo, Y. Miyazaki Psychological and physiological effects of sole contact with oil-finished wood Journal of Wood Science 2024, 70, 21.
- T. Mizumoto, H. Ikei, K. Hagiwara, T. Matsubara, F. Higuchi, M. Kobayashi, T. Yamashina, J. Sasaki, N. Yamada, N. Higuchi, K. Haraga, F. Kirihara, E. Okabe, K. Asai, M. Hirotsu, C. Chen, Y. Miyazaki, S. Nakagawa Mood and physiological effects of visual stimulation with images of the natural environment in individuals with depressive and anxiety disorders Journal of Affective Disorders 2024, 356, 257-266.
- R. Gallmann and Y. Miyazaki Waldbaden: The Hiking Therapy: Wanderungen zu Kraftorten im Kanton Zürich Werd Weber Verlag AG, Thun, 2024, pp. 240
- H. Ikei, H. Jo, Y. Miyazaki Current status of "Forest bathing without forest" research in Japan 18th International conference Days of Applied Psychology -Current challenges in psychological science Conference Proceedings 2023, 13-14.
- H. Ikei, H. Jo, Y. Miyazaki Physiological effects of visual stimulation by a Japanese low wooden table: a crossover field experiment International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2023, 20(14), 6351.
- H. Ikei, C. Song, Y. Miyazaki Physiological adjustment effect of visual stimulation by fresh rose flowers on sympathetic nervous activity Frontiers in Psychology 2023, 14, https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1159458
- H. Ochiai, H. Ikei (co-first author), H. Jo, M. Ohishi, Y. Miyazaki Relaxation effect of nature sound exposure on gambling disorder patients: a crossover study Journal of Integrative and Complementary Medicine 2023, 29(8), 518–525.
- H. Jo, H. Ikei (co-first author), Y. Miyazaki Physiological and psychological responses of viewing a waterfall image: a crossover study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2023, 20(1), 565.
- M. Nakamura, H. Ikei (co-first author), Y. Miyazaki Effects of visual stimulation using wooden-wall images with different amounts of knots on psychological and physiological responses. Wood Science and Technology 2022, 56, 1869–1886.
- C. Song, H. Ikei (co-first author), Y. Miyazaki Seasonal differences in physiological responses to walking in urban parks. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022, 19(19), 12154.
- H. Jo, H. Ikei (co-first author), Y. Miyazaki Physiological and psychological benefits of viewing an autumn foliage mountain landscape image among young women. Forests 2022, 13(9), 1492.
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- C. Song, H. Ikei (co-first author), Y. Miyazaki Effects of forest-derived visual, auditory, and combined stimuli. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 2021, 64, 127253.
- R. Yamashita, C. Chen, T. Matsubara, K. Hagiwara, M. Inamura, K. Aga, M. Hirotsu, T. Seki, A. Takao, E. Nakagawa, A. Kobayashi, Y. Fujii, K. Hirata, H. Ikei, Y. Miyazaki, S. Nakagawa The mood-improving effect of viewing images of nature and its neural substrate. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021, 18(10), 5500.
- H. Kobayashi, H. Ikei (co-first author), C. Song, T. Kagawa, Y. Miyazaki Comparing the impact of forest walking and forest viewing on psychological states. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 2021, 57, 126920.
- H. Ikei, M. Nakamura, Y. Miyazaki Physiological effects of visual stimulation using knotty and clear wood images among young women. Sustainability 2020, 12(23), 9898.
- H. Jo, H. Ikei, C. Song, Y. Miyazaki Individual differences in the psychological effects of forest sounds based on type A and type B behavior patterns. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 2020, 55, 126855.
- C. Song, H. Ikei (co-first author), T. Kagawa, Y. Miyazaki Effect of viewing real forest landscapes on brain activity. Sustainability 2020, 12(16), 6601.
- C. Song, H. Ikei, B.J. Park, J. Lee, T. Kagawa, Y. Miyazaki Association between the psychological effects of viewing forest landscapes and trait anxiety level. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2020, 17(15), 5479.
- H. Ochiai, C. Song, H. Jo, M. Oishi, M. Imai, Y. Miyazaki Relaxing effects induced by forest sound in patients with gambling disorder. Sustainability 2020, 12(15), 5969.
- N. Lu, C. Song, T. Kuronuma, H. Ikei, Y. Miyazaki, M. Takagaki The possibility of sustainable urban horticulture based on nature therapy. Sustainability 2020, 12(12), 5058.
- H. Ikei and Y. Miyazaki Positive physiological effects of touching sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) with the sole of the feet. Journal of Wood Science 2020, 66, 29.
- H. Kobayashi, C. Song, H. Ikei, B.J. Park, T. Kagawa, Y. Miyazaki Combined effect of walking and forest environment on salivary cortisol concentration. Frontiers in Public Health 2019, 7, 376.
- H. Jo, C. Song, Y. Miyazaki Physiological benefits of viewing nature: A systematic review of indoor experiments. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2019, 16(23), 4739.
- M. Nakamura, H. Ikei (co-first author), < b>Y. Miyazaki Physiological effects of visual stimulation with full-scale wall images composed of vertically and horizontally arranged wooden elements. Journal of Wood Science 2019, 65, 55.
- H. Ikei, C. Song, Y. Miyazaki Physiological effects of touching sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) with the palm of the hand. Journal of Wood Science 2019, 65, 48.
- C. Song, H. Ikei (co-first author), Y. Miyazaki Physiological effects of forest-related visual, olfactory, and combined stimuli on humans: An additive combined effect. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 2019, 44, 126437.
- C. Song, H. Ikei (co-first author), T. Kagawa, Y. Miyazaki Physiological and psychological effects of viewing forests on young women. Forest 2019, 10(8), 635.
- H. Jo, C. Song (co-first author), H. Ikei, S. Enomoto, H. Kobayashi, Y. Miyazaki Physiological and psychological effects of forest and urban sounds using high-resolution sound sources. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2019, 16(15), 2649.
- C. Song, H. Ikei (co-first author), T. Kagawa, Y. Miyazaki Effects of walking in a forest on young women. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2019, 16(2), 229.
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- C. Song, H. Ikei (co-first author), B.J. Park, J. Lee, T. Kagawa, Y. Miyazaki Psychological benefits of walking through forest areas. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2018, 15(12), 2804.
- C. Song, H. Ikei (co-first author), M. Nara, D. Takayama, Y. Miyazaki Physiological effects of viewing bonsai in elderly patients undergoing rehabilitation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2018, 15(12), 2635.
- H. Ikei, C. Song, Y. Miyazaki Physiological effects of touching the wood of hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa) with the soles of the feet. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2018, 15(10), 2135.
- H. Kobayashi, C. Song, H. Ikei, B.J. Park, T. Kagawa, Y. Miyazaki Forest walking affects autonomic nervous activity: A population-based study. Frontiers in Public Health 2018, 6, 278.
- C. Song, H. Ikei (co-first author), Y. Miyazaki Physiological effects of visual stimulation with forest imagery. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2018, 15(2), 213.
- H. Ikei, C. Song (co-first author), Y. Miyazaki Physiological effects of touching hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa). Journal of Wood Science 2018, 64, 226-236.
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